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She has just been appointed as Head, Investigation and Operations of the NDA after the demise of her boss. As she is fondly called, sees this as an opportunity to prove that she is more than capable of ridding the country of the drug menace that has been plaguing it in recent times. She immediately hits the ground running with several successful raids and quickly catches the attention of the drug cartel. When she starts to receive death threats, her husband becomes worried and tries to talk her out of pursuing the cartel so aggressively but for her, there is no turning back. It's all or nothing. Her constant refusal to see reason even when the threats intensify and involve their daughter greatly annoys Dike and puts a strain on their relationship. In a bid to save his wife and family as a whole. Her husband has to make the best and worst decision of his life, taking them both on a roller coaster journey that threatens her job, their marriage and eventually maybe even her sanity.

  • Genero: Drama, Crimen
  • Actores: Kehinde Bankole, Kelechi Udegbe, Suliman Ibrahim, David Haydn-Jones, Gregory Ojefua, Bimbo Manuel, Tomiwa Kukoyi, Vera Ephraim, Fausat Balogun, Chukwu Martin, Kevin Ushi, Steve Asinobi
  • Español Latino CALIDAD HD
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    • 3. voesx - HD
    • 4. doodstream - HD
    • 5. netu - HD
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